Regulations of winter canicross 2020

1. Regulations:

1.1. Sled dog sport club and the Sled dog federation of Latvia co-operated with the  Cynological federation of Latvia provides a winter ca

2. The aim and objectives:nicross race including a cynological event.

2.1. To promote Sled dog sport as an active and health increasing kind of sport that's available to anyone.

2.2. To diversify canicross discipline competition with a possibility to compete in the winter conditions.

2.3. To promote foreign country canicross enthusiasts visiting Latvia, that way promoting the tourism development.

2.4. To promote canicross as an environment-friendly prosecution.

2.5. To co-operate sled dog race with an active lifestyle and cynological event, that way promoting the development of sled dog sport.

2.6. To increse the intresest of a healthy ways to spend a free time amongst children, adults and families.

3. Participant groups:

3.1. CCW E – canicross women elite (18-39 years)

3.2. CCW J – canicross women juniors (11-17 years)

3.3. CCW W – canicross women veterans (40+ years)

3.4. CCM E – canicross men elite (18-39 years)

3.5. CCM J – canicross men juniors (11-17 years)

3.6. CCM W – canicross men veterans (40+ years)

3.7. If a junior under the requsted age wants to participate, there must be a written parent permission.

4. The trail:

4.1. Forest trail.

4.2. The length of the distance is 4.5-7 km.

5. The award ceremony:

5.1. 1st to 3rd place winners in each group will be awarded if there are at least 5 participants in each group.

5.2. 1st to 3rd places will be awarded by medals and our sponsor prizes.

5.3. If the winner doesn’t attend the award ceremony, the prizes will be given to the sportist ranking next place.

6. The participation fee:

The participation fee of winter canicross:

6.1.1. 29.11.2019.-20.12.2019. 20 EUR

6.1.2. 21.12.2019.-07.01.2020. 25 EUR

6.1.3. Race day 30 EUR

6.2. The registration fee of cynological event:

The price includes all of three tasks.

6.2.1. 29.11.2019.-20.12.2019. 10 EUR

6.2.2. 21.12.2019.-07.01.2020. 12 EUR

6.2.3. Race day 15 EUR

6.2.4. If you want to register more than one dog, the fee for addictional dogs is 5 EUR.

6.3. The hiking and events without dog is FOR FREE.

6.4. The registration fee must be transferred within 24 hours. Registration is completed when organizers receive the money.

6.5. If the organizers don’t receive the money, the registration is cancelled.

6.6. If a participant don’t attend the event, the registration fee isn’t returned.

6.7. The registration fee must be transferred to bank account:

Reg. nr. 40008273432


6.8. In the aim of money transferration you have to mention participant’s name, surname and discipline.

6.9. You can receive back your registration fee by warning us for your unatendence at least 14 days before the event. ([email protected])

7. The registration fee includes:

7.1. Participant number, first medical help, the place of event, trail marking, the job of the juges, feeding after finishing race, photos and videos, marking results.

8. The registration on a race day:

8.1. To register on a race day participant has to fill the document at the registration table. The participant has to show they dog’s passport and equipment.

9. Doping control:

The doping control can be caried out without warning.

10. Dogs:

10.1. Required dog age for canicross – at least 12 months.

10.2. Hiking with dog or cynological activities – no age limit.

10.3. Dogs participating in event must have EU passport and they must be vaccinated against rabbies.

10.4. Dogs that don’t participate in races have to be vaccinated against rabies aswell. The dog microchip must be registered in a database. There will be a vet control on a spot.

11. Stake out spot:

11.1. It’s forbidden to sell sport’s equipment, dog food or any other goods without written permission by organizers.

11.2. It’s allowed to leave vehicles, trailers, dog cages and dog stake-out only on spots allowed by judges.

11.3. It’s forbidden to leave your dog without supervision.

11.4. It’s forbidden to smoke.

12. Start list/results

12.1. The provisional start list will be posted on webpage and on official Facebook page. The official start list will be at canicross zone on the race day. The changes of start list wouldn’t be possible.

12.2. The results will be posted on webpage and on official Facebook page in a week.

13. Attention:

13.1. Each participant must attend the canicross meet before the race.

13.2. The participant must arrive at the start zone 10 minutes before the race. If the participant doesn’t arrive within time, judges won’t allow the participation.

13.3. After a race the participant must stay at finish as long as judges request. It is highly suggested to offer some water to dog.

13.4. It is forbidden to call the dog’s name, fetch a ball, whistle or do other things that stimulate a faster finishing.

13.5. It’s not allowed to take a dog’s collar of during the event.

14. Important:

14.1. Competitors are responsible for the condition of their own (and dogs) health and safety, and carry the responsibility to follow race rules and regulations of the event. The organizers aren’t responsible for any of possible injuries.

14.2. It’s recommended to have a health insurance.

14.3. The registration fee must be transferred within 24 hours othervise the registration will be cancelled.

15. Process of the race:

15.1. Each participant will receive their own race number and time-registration chip. The winner is a participant that finishes in shorter period of time.

15.2. The race takes place in a marked route. The marking may differ from the IFSS regulations. The markings will be posted on homepage and webpage at least 7 days before the event.

15.3. In a case of participant’s withdraw race organizers aren’t providing a transport to finish. If there are some kind of health problems, the participant has to inform the judges or organizers to receive the necessary help.

15.4. Feeding – after completing the race each participant receives a feeding offer.

16. Protests:

16.1. In case of determined violation participant has to inform the race marshall or any other judge instantly after finishing.

16.2. The judges are allowed to add additional rules that aren’t in the regulations yet.

16.3. The judging  and required equipment that isn’t mentioned in the regulations suits the IFSS regulations.

16.4. Each participant must follow the IFSS rules.

17. Participant numbers and time-registration chips:

17.1. Each participant is granted by one participant’s number.

17.2. It’s forbidden to damage or cut the participant’s numbers. It’s forbidden to hand the number to another person. The fine for loosing a participant’s number or time chip is 30 EUR.

18. Technical requirements:

18.1.Participants are not allowed to wear running shoes with iron or plastic spikes for better grip (for your dog’s safety!)

18.2. Special canicross elastic line (2 - 3m long).

18.3. Canicross belt (width can't be less than 7 centimetres).

18.4. Dog harness - only running harnesses with pollsters are allowed.

18.5. Dogs must be in a lead all the time.

18.6. All participants must follow the regulations.

19. Latvian sport licences:

19.1. There’s a rank in Latvia in which the positions are listed by points earned in a sled dog races.

19.2. It’s a virtual code which has to be shown at registration to collect the points.

19.3. The way to receive the DID code is by joining a sled dog sport club.

20. Questions:

If there’s somethings unclear about this event, contact us by email [email protected].\

21. Warning:

21.1. Don’t throw garbage in nature.

21.1. If a person throws garbage in nature, judges can adjudge a fine.

21.3. Organizers do not register participants in a hotel or camping.

21.4. Organizers are allowed to change the regulation points till the start of the race.

21.5. The information about the event is provided only in Latvian and English.

22. Marketing:

22.1. By registration participant agrees to receive the news about in your email and phone.

22.2. By registration participant agrees about photo and video further use in commercials.

23. The regulations of data protection:

23.1. If the participant is younger than 18, there has to be a parental agreement to compete in a race.

23.2. The photos and videos of the event may be used in commercials.

23.3. The parents of an underage person has to agree about the photos and videos during the event.

23.4. The data of a participant will be stored as long as needed. The participants are allowed to require a deletion for their data at any time.

24. The activities with and without dogs:

24.1. The disciplines with or without dogs are mentioned below.

25. Registration for the race:

25.1. .

25.2. The responsibility-taking organization:

Organization “”

Adress: Amata area, Drabeši, “Papardes 2”, LV-4101 40008273432



email: [email protected]

Phone number: +371 25951531


Cynological activities and activities without dog:

There will be an offer to go hiking on a race trail with or without dog as well as participate in disciplines where no dog is needed but there still is a chance to win prizes.

Each activity has its own judge that will explain explain the rules and announce the winner.

The activities will be announced on webpage and on our Facebook page at least 7 days before the event.

Cynological activities:

All dogs participate together regardless of their age.

If there are at least 5 dogs younger than 12 months, the organizers will open a beginner class for them.

The activities are really similar to regular cynological events, but there may be slight differences in rules adjusting to this event.

1. Calling your dog with obstacles on a way:


Distance inbetween you and dog – 30 metres.

Inbetween you and your dog are things that may disturb your dog (toys, dog snacks, dog food etc).

The dog has to sit or lay on the start spot (someone can help you by holding your dog) while you get to the end of the way. If there’s no one who can hold your dog, you can ask a judge for a help.

The time starts as soon as you do make the first move or sound to make your dog run towards you.

There’s no limit of words/moves you can make for your dog.

The usage of snacks/toys is allowed.

The time stops as soon as dog sits in front or next to you.

2. Pitch and go:

Team (dog and owner) has 90 seconds. By that time they have to collect as many points as possible: the owner has to throw a toy in a marked zones and the dog has to bring it back. You can use anything as a toy. You can use your own toy or the toys provided by organizers. If there are more than one person with the same ammount of points, the winner is the one who has thrown a toy less times. You are allowed to hype your dog up by voice, jumping etc during the activity. It’s not neccessary for your dog to give the toy straight in your hands. The toy can also be thrown on the ground as long as it doesn’t cross the start line.

3. A small race with obstacles:

The participante has to hold the dog by lead until the judge allows to release it. You can make throught the obstacles by holding your dog by lead or by releasing the lead – depends on your priorities.

 The time starts the moment judge allows you to start.

The participant has to run past the obstacle while the dog goes through it. You can re-do an obstacle if you aren’t sure i your dog did it correctly. The times stops as soon as you both have crossed the finish line.

There will be jumping barriers of different height, slalom, “A” shaped ramp, a tunnel and a tire.

Additional time for not making an obstacledoing an obstacle incorrectly:

·       Jumping barriers – 5 seconds for each;

·       Slalom – 15 seconds;

·       “A” shaped ramp – 30 seconds for not doing the obstacle;

·       a tunnel  - 30 seconds;

·       a tire – 30 seconds.